Quality, Health, Safety & Environment
Quality Safety and Environment
Quality Management Systems
QANTAC Pty Ltd aims to incorporate the principles of total quality management into every facet of its operation and to strive to continually improve the quality of its products and services.
Management is therefore committed to action which ensures the implementation and maintenance of a Quality Management system that enables us to not only consistently provide the product and services the meet our own, our customers, statutory and regulatory requirements but to continuously improve our systems so as to enhance customer satisfaction.
We will do this by:
- Developing and implementing a comprehensive and effective Quality Management System that will guide our daily workplace operations as well as our strategic planning and review;
- Ensuring policies and procedures are aligned with statutory and legislative requirements of relevant legislation;
- Consistently delivering products and services which will be perceived by our clients as to be above their expectations and superior to our competitors across our range of businesses.
This policy reflects the attitude, commitment, and culture of management towards achieving, maintaining, and continually improving the quality of the products and services provided.
The quality system provides a framework for establishing and reviewing quality objectives for continuing suitability and ensuring the conformity of our brand to customer, industry, statutory and legal requirements.
We shall apply this business philosophy to every module of our quality system, in everything that we do.
QANTAC has maintained certification of the internationally recognised standard ISO9001 Quality Management Systems since April 2014.
Registration Number - AU1339A-QC
Health & Safety Management Systems
OHSAS 18001:2007 & AS/NZ 4801:2001
QANTAC’s goal is to be recognised as a market leader in the management of Work Health & Safety in all business activities with which it is involved.
Management is committed to:
- To comply with all relevant work health and safety legislation, regulation, codes of practice and requirements of industry.
- Securing the support of all employees and encouraging their active participation in the development of the Health and Safety program.
- Providing and maintaining safe work places, including the environment, plant and systems of work so ensuring that employees are not exposed to hazards or risks that could cause injury or ill health.
- Providing the information, instruction, training and supervision required so that our employees and contractors can perform their work safely and understand their roles and responsibilities.
- Regularly reviewing health and safety objectives, targets and practices to ensure continued conformity to statutory requirements, currency in our industry practice and elimination of work related incidents through a commitment to continual improvement.
- Aligning our Safety Health Management Systems with the principles of AS/NZ4801:2001 & OHSAS 18001:2007 and maintaining certification in these standards.
The ultimate goal of all employees and subcontractors is to go home safe and free from injury at the end of each shift.
To help us ensure our work health safety management system is the most effective we can be, we use external certification bodies to independently audit our safety systems to help us be the safest we can be.
QANTAC Pty Ltd has maintained certification of the internationally recognised standards OHSAS 18001:2007 & AS/NZ 4801:2001 Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems since October 2016
In addition QANTAC has been a participant in Workplace Health & Safety QLD’s SLAW program since 2015.
Registration Number - AU1339A-SC
Environmental Management Systems
ISO 14001:2015
It is the policy of QANTAC Pty Ltd. to consider its environmental impact during the course of the business operations of all of its divisions.
We undertake to achieve industry’s best practice on environmental matters with commitment to the following key objectives:
- Compliance or better with the statutory standards set by the government, and where laws do not adequately protect the environment, apply standards that minimize any adverse environmental impacts resulting from its operations, products, or services.
- Provision of services and manufactured goods that will have a minimum effect on the environment.
- Prevent pollution of the environment in which we work by developing and utilising environmentally practices and products wherever practical.
- Adoption of reclamation or recycling initiatives to conserve scarce resources where possible.
- To regularly review environmental objectives, targets and practices to ensure conformity to statutory requirements and currency in our industry practice and to continually improve our environmental management system to enhance environmental performance.
- To align our Environmental Management System with the principles of ISO14001:2015.
- Involvement of all employees in awareness of and contribution to environmental management.
QANTAC is committed to ensuring that the environmental footprint of our business is minimised to ensure future generations have the same opportunities to enjoy the natural resources of the natural environment.
As part of that commitment QANTAC actively pursues certification to international standards in environmental management to help us ensure compliance to legislation and promote best industry practice in our operational activities.
QANTAC Pty Ltd has maintained certification of the internationally recognised standard ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems since October 2016
QANTAC is an active partner in CCIQ EcoBiz Queensland program since 2016
Registration No: AU1339A-EC
Food Safety
HACCP Code 2003
QANTAC Pty Ltd is committed to providing a safe and healthy dining environment for residents, employees and contractors. We will achieve this by providing the safe and hygienic storage, preparation, service and disposal of food. We undertake to achieve industry’s best practice on food safety matters with the following key objectives:
- Effective food safety practices:
- Reflect the Food Safety Standards for Australia in relation to safety practices, premises and equipment standards;
- Reinforce consistent food safety practices in production and service;
- Reduce the risk of potential food-borne illnesses;
- Identify potentially hazardous foods;
- Ensure our food handlers are adequately trained to perform their duties;
- Regularly review our practices; and
- To comply with legislative requirements whilst maintaining a flexible approach to meet best practice.
- QANTAC Pty Ltd recognises its duty of care as outlined in the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991 and relevant state or territory legislation developed within the guidelines of Codex Alimentarius HACCP and ensures that all persons involved in the handling and preparation of food are provided with a high level of food safety knowledge and/or practices.
- Management and staff understand that there is a duty of care to implement and adhere to the companies Food Safety Policy and ensure a level of protection to all persons who access the service’s facilities.
QANTAC Pty Ltd has maintained a certification in the internationally recognised standard of Codex Alimentarius HACCP 2003 since April 2014.

No: AU1339A-HC